weekend update 2

Splashing some paint on the workshop

This weekend the rolling stock workshop was on the workbench again. (well, it had been all the time, I just built the ladle cars on the bits of workbench left over.)

I was already slowly preparing the workshop for some paint for a while, this has to happen some time halfway the build as a lot of pipework and other detail stuff is criss crossing through the girder posts supporting the crane rails and since these girders have a different color than the walls they have to be sprayed separately. Keeping all the stuff that is partly attached to the girders and partly to the walls detachable is a substantial headache so I figured just spray the thing now and figure out the rest later. The main roof will have to wait for a bit though, as it needs some extra resin bits that I’ll have to cast this week.

after paintwork came the rather tedious job of glueing all 3D printed lamps for the inspection pits to prepainted strips of milled styrene and after the glue had dried glue them over the holes with the leds in the inspection pits. Overall the inspection pits were quite a hassle, especially the lighting, but I think they look pretty cool now.

After this I had to assemble the workshop again to see what it looks like of course, here are some pictures:

That’s it for this week. Stay safe and happy modelling!



3 thoughts on “weekend update 2

  1. Amazing work! I’ve seen the first few modules a year or two ago (I think it was OntraXs 2018?)and you can just keep staring for hours without getting bored! So much detail, very realistic. Can’t get much better than this…. 🙂


  2. Finally you’re making progress, nice. I still got some Lima torpedo cars, these could fit in. If you want them let me know!


  3. nou, na 6 jaar klooien aan staalindustrie wordt t wel tijd voor mn eerste torpedo, eigenlijk. Maar eens afspreken dan als de ophokplicht voorbij is en jij weer bij je spullen kan enzo. Of misschien voor die tijd al want duurt ammel lang. Dank in elk geval!


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