it’s all painted!

This time, a little milestone!

But first things first: wrapping up work on the rolling stock workshop for now. Things were mostly there already, so sticking random decals on things, then add dirt of various kinds. After adding a light to the hydraulic press I decided the whole thing was officially good enough for now and the workshop could be moved to the layout.

It did even sort of fit in place and required only minor surgery. Good times!

Well, with the rolling stock workshop mostly done and back on the layout, it’s time for the last major job on the ougree part: finally painting all those gas pipes! These were the last major bits of unpainted eyesore in ougree, now they are a painted eyesore. While planning the layout (most of that happened while I was building it, so don’t get tricked into thinking I indulge in weird activities like thinking ahead) I mocked up pretty much everything, but carefully ignored those pipes, as they will just be there, blocking the view on everything I made during the last couple of years, strongly discouraging track cleaning and making sure the trains are mostly hidden in shadows. So much for a layout as a theatre for trains, well, no spotlights for my engines.

To celebrate this milestone some pictures for you and a glass of whisky for me!

So, that’s it for this week. Meanwhile I’ll have another glass while enjoying the cheerful view.



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